Exciting modern and topical programs, to initiate the audience unto our journeys of artistic discovery, to communicate music in an open-minded,
uncompromising, yet in a poetic manner: this is the mission and the guiding principles that unite the seven musicians who constitute the Alban Berg Ensemble Wien.
This Ensemble, formed in 2016, comprises the renowned Hugo Wolf Quartet, pianist Ariane Haering as well as, flutist Silvia Careddu and clarinetist Alexander Neubauer from the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. The Alban Berg Foundation bestows its imprimatur as a public acknowledgement of the esteem in which these musicians are held for their artistic vision, and in recognition of their innovative path in the spirit of Alban Berg - connected to the past while committed to the future.
The Wiener Musikverein invited the ensemble to perform an annual series of concerts, since 2023 this „ABEW in Vienna“ series is held in the 18th century palace of Josephinum.
The first CD of the ABEW was released on the Deutsche Grammophone label. It features works of Mahler, Strauss and Schönberg, all written in the first years of the 20th century. The three composers all found different solutions to the musical questions of their time, and the outcome of the ABEW ́s look on their works is a „fascinating debut of rare intensity.“, „exceptional in intonational precision and clarity of texture.“
„This Deutsche Grammophon debut for Alban Berg Ensemble Wien is a winner.“
In 2022 the ABEW premiered O Lungo (D)rom by Ralf Yusuf Gawlick in the Konzerthaus Berlin. This work was written for the ABEW and follows the long road Roma and Sinti people had to follow throughout the centuries.The ensemble is delighted that their dedication to the cause as well as their enthusiasm for contemporary music will be leading to a release of this work on the DECCA label in spring 2024.

Sebastian Gürtler

Régis Bringolf

Su Bin Lee

Florian Berner

Ariane Haering

Silvia Careddu

Alexander Neubauer